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Heart Support Liquid: Natural Cardiovascular Health

Heart health is a priority for many, and finding the right supplements to support a healthy heart can be a challenge. Heart Support liquid may offer a natural solution for maintaining cardiovascular health. With a carefully selected blend of herbs that are known for their potential heart-supporting properties, this liquid extract can provide an alternative to traditional capsules and tablets.

In this article, we'll discuss the possible benefits of Heart Support liquid, examine the ingredients that contribute to its effectiveness, and address common questions about its usage, safety, and efficacy.

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Heart Support Liquid

Heart Support may aid in the maintenance of healthy arteries, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. It can help promote healthy circulation, blood flow, and a regular heartbeat. Overall, Heart Support may contribute to a strong, healthy heart, youthful vitality, energy, and balanced cholesterol levels.*

  • Garlic: Garlic is renowned for its potential cardiovascular benefits. It may help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease. It may support overall heart health by promoting the relaxation of blood vessels and improving blood flow.

  • Hawthorn Flower & Leaves: Hawthorn is considered a powerful heart-supporting herb. It may enhance blood flow to the heart, reduce blood pressure, and support the management of heart failure. Hawthorn may also strengthen the heart muscle, contributing to improved cardiovascular function.

  • Coleus: Coleus contains forskolin, a compound that may enhance heart function by increasing the strength of heart contractions. It may lower blood pressure and support overall cardiovascular health.

  • Motherwort: Motherwort is traditionally used to support heart health and alleviate anxiety. It may help maintain a regular heart rhythm and lower blood pressure, contributing to a calm and balanced cardiovascular system.

  • Bilberry: Bilberry is rich in antioxidants that may improve circulation, support healthy blood sugar levels, and strengthen blood vessels. It may enhance overall vascular health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues.

  • Kelp: Kelp is packed with essential minerals like iodine, which are crucial for thyroid function, impacting metabolism and heart health. Kelp may support the cardiovascular system by maintaining proper metabolic function.

  • Ginger: Ginger offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce cholesterol levels. It may support overall cardiovascular health by enhancing blood flow and reducing inflammation.

  • Hawthorn Berry: Similar to Hawthorn flowers and leaves, the berries may improve heart function, enhance blood flow, and lower blood pressure. Hawthorn berries are a vital component in supporting a healthy heart and vascular system.

  • Mistletoe: Mistletoe may support cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and improving circulation. It may strengthen the heart and blood vessels, contributing to overall heart health.

  • Butcher's Broom: Butcher’s Broom may improve circulation and reduce swelling, supporting vascular health. It may help alleviate symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, ensuring better blood flow and reduced discomfort.

  • Cayenne: Cayenne contains capsaicin, which may improve circulation, reduce blood pressure, and support overall cardiovascular health. It may enhance blood flow and strengthen the heart, making it a vital ingredient for heart support.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Heart Support liquid?

Heart Support is a wild-crafted nutritional supplement designed to support a healthy heart and body.

What are the ingredients?

It is made from Garlic, Hawthorn flowers, leaves, and berries, Coleus, Motherwort, Bilberry, Butcher’s Broom, Kelp, Mistletoe, Ginger, and Cayenne Pepper.

Can I get the same benefit if I am already taking some of these herbs?

The proportion, balance, and quality of herbs are crucial. This makes Heart Support an excellent formula.

Is Heart Support available in capsule or tablet form?

No, liquids are best as they may offer a 95% absorption and assimilation rate. This means that nutrition can get into your 70,000 miles of blood vessels and reach the body at the cellular level. This is when your body has the necessary nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients, and enzymes to support healing and maintain top physical condition.

How do you use Heart Support liquid?

The usage of Heart Support depends on weight. You would take 1 drop 3 times per day per 10 pounds of body weight. For example:

  • You would use 15 drops 3 times per day orally if you weigh 150 pounds.

  • You would use 20 drops 3 times per day orally if you weigh 200 pounds.

  • You would use 25 drops 3 times per day orally if you weigh 250 pounds.

Take it in the morning, afternoon, and evening—whatever suits your schedule is fine.

Additional Information:

  • Heart Support can be diluted in a small amount of liquid (water or juice).

  • The optimal way of taking it is placing it under your tongue and holding it there for 10- 15 seconds before swallowing.

Should Heart Support be taken on an empty stomach?

It does not matter whether you have eaten or not, as Heart Support is a liquid and may have optimum absorption and assimilation by holding it in your mouth for a minute or two before swallowing.

Is Heart Support safe to take with prescription drugs?

Yes, we recommend that people take Heart Support 1 hour before taking prescription drugs for best results. As your health improves, work with your doctor to adjust prescription intake.

How long has Heart Support been around?

Heart Support, previously known as Heart & Body Extract from Healthy Hearts Club, has been serving customers for over 20 years before its rebranding in 2024.

Does Heart Support have a shelf life?

Heart Support is good for much longer, but the manufacturer by law puts the expiration date at 10 years after the creation of the batch.

Is Heart Support sensitive to temperature extremes?

Herbal tinctures, including Heart Support, can be sensitive to extreme temperatures. Exposure to very hot conditions can potentially degrade their quality and potency over time. It is best to store Heart Support at room temperature, in a cool, dry place, and away from direct sunlight. Avoiding both excessive heat and extreme cold will help preserve the tincture's effectiveness. It should not be refrigerated.

What else should I do for the product to work more effectively?

Engage in activities that contribute to a healthy lifestyle, such as not smoking, eating a healthy diet, and exercising.

How long before I notice a difference in how I feel?

Everyone is unique, and results can vary from person to person. Some people may notice a difference within days, while for others, it may become apparent by the end of the first bottle or two.

Can I tell my doctor I am on Heart Support?

Yes, full communication with your doctor is wise. Monitoring your progress by doing various tests (as needed) can further validate success with the formula.

Where is Heart Support manufactured?

It is formulated and bottled in British Columbia, Canada.

What is the success rate of taking Heart Support?

The success rate is excellent. In fact, we honor a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied.

Liquids vs Capsules

  • Medical studies suggest that liquid extracts may have faster absorption rates, higher optimization rates, and are more easily digestible.

  • Liquids may have a significant advantage over pills when it comes to swallowing. Many people, especially the elderly and young children, tend to have more difficulty swallowing some pills.

  • Generally, supplements in liquid form may be more readily broken down and absorbed. Additionally, it has been suggested that liquids can be more completely and quickly absorbed than most capsules and pills.

  • The Physician’s Desk Reference suggests that 85-90% of nutrients in liquid supplements may be absorbed in 22 to 30 seconds.

  • In contrast, it may take hours for the nutrients in pills to be absorbed by the body, with only 10%-20% of the nutrients in pills potentially being absorbed. The National Advisory Board states that 100 mg consumed in tablet form may translate into a concentration of only 8.3 mg or 8.3% in the blood.

  • A pilot study evaluating the bioavailability and absorption rates of two vitamin B-12 preparations in normal human subjects demonstrated that the absorption rate was significantly increased when dosing was in a liquid rather than solid form.

  • Liquid medicine is often the preferred method of delivery in hospitals, from emergency rooms to patient care, because of the potential for immediate benefits for the patient.

  • While there is nothing wrong with capsules or tablets, there are findings that suggest a liquid extract may be more powerful, beneficial, and fast-acting.

  • At Herb Health, we strive to offer the best, especially when it comes to your health, which is why we have invested in the best format for our Heart Support liquid.

Why Choose Liquid Extracts?

  • Immediate absorption: Liquid herbal extracts may not require digestion. The medicinal components have already been extracted from the plant, meaning your body can absorb them directly without needing to break down any plant material.

  • Enhanced potency: Since the body may not need to break down a liquid extract, it can absorb more of the medicinal properties compared to capsules or tablets. This makes liquid extracts potentially more powerful.

  • Faster assimilation: Liquid extracts may begin to assimilate into the body within 1-4 minutes. In contrast, capsules or tablets might take 20-30 minutes just to break down before your body can start to absorb them.

  • Higher utilization: Some studies suggest that the body may use up to 98% of the nutrients in liquid extracts, compared to just 39-53% for capsules or tablets.

  • Efficient delivery: For any nutrient to reach your body’s cells, it must first be in liquid form. The closer an herbal preparation is to a liquid state, the faster and more completely it may be absorbed and take effect.

Customer Testimonials

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Heart Support is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen.

"A number of years ago, probably 10 years, I was having a problem that seemed like fluid in my lungs. When I laid down to sleep, I did a lot of coughing. One night, my wife asked if it could be my heart, and I realized she was right. I saw ads for Heart Support and wanted a natural product. So, I called Healthy Hearts (the former owner) and ordered my first bottle. The drops arrived at 4:00 PM, and I took 10 drops immediately and another 10 at bedtime. The next morning, I took …”

"I first started them in 2006 I believe it was, I was 62 years old and was having angina so bad I couldn’t walk around a park where we went walking before; in fact I had to stop at the closest bench to the car and recover enough to get back to the car. Heart disease ran in my family so I knew I was in trouble since I had no insurance. Before consulting a doctor I went online to see if there was a natural remedy that might help, and fortunately the first …”


Heart Support liquid offer a powerful, natural solution for maintaining cardiovascular health. With its fast absorption, potent ingredients, and ease of use, this liquid extract stands out as an excellent choice for those seeking to support their heart health. Whether you’re already familiar with the benefits of the included herbs or looking for a new supplement to try, Heart Support liquid could be the key to a healthier heart and a more vibrant life.

If you’re considering adding Heart Support liquid to your routine, you can find more information and purchase them from our shop.

Additional Reading

For additional tips on maintaining a healthy heart through diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices, you can visit the American Heart Association's Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. This information is summarized for its educational value and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It should not be used to replace the services of a qualified physician.

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