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Real Experiences from Our Customers

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Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. Heart Support is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen.

"A number of years ago, probably 10 years, I was having some discomfort that seemed like fluid in my lungs. When I laid down to sleep, I experienced a lot of coughing. One night, my wife suggested it might be related to my heart, and I thought she could be right. I saw ads for Heart Drops and was interested in trying a natural product. So, I called Healthy Hearts (the former owner) and ordered my first bottle. The drops arrived at 4:00 PM, and I took 10 drops immediately and another 10 at bedtime. The next morning, I took another dose and repeated this in the evening. In just 3 days, I noticed a significant improvement; my chest felt clearer. A wonderful product and nice people to deal with. Thank you." - Levi Troyer

"I first started taking them in 2006, I believe it was. I was 62 years old and was experiencing angina so severe that I couldn’t walk around a park where we used to go walking. In fact, I had to stop at the closest bench to the car and recover enough to get back to the car. Heart disease ran in my family, so I knew I was in trouble, especially since I had no insurance. Before consulting a doctor, I went online to see if there was a natural remedy that might help, and fortunately, the first result that popped up was the Healthy Heart Club (previous owners). I navigated the entire website and then called and talked with Sharon Harris. Convinced it was legitimate, I ordered my first bottle. I took it 3 times a day, and more if it felt urgent. Within 2 months, I felt well enough to apply for a work camper position for my husband and myself to take our motor home to a campground in Gatlinburg, TN, where we worked from late April until mid-October—very physical work I never thought I could do! As prescribed, I took it 3 times daily for 1 year, then transitioned to maintenance, taking it once per day or more if needed. I’ve taken it ever since but slacked off for the past 4 years or so. Then, I had a scary episode while driving—my left arm went numb, and numbness crept up my neck before I could park and call 911. I could barely talk at first, but I always carried a bottle of the HH extract (now known as Heart Support) in my purse. It was open, and I was able to take a couple of full droppers, and I was actually able to talk better to the dispatcher, who stayed on the phone while the ambulance was on the way. I kept taking it, and the numbness started leaving my neck and gradually went down my arm, and it was gone by the time the medics got there. They insisted on putting me in the ambulance after taking my blood pressure, which they said was sky high. In the ambulance, they took some kind of graph reading that transmitted to the emergency room, and they said my blood pressure was over 300. As it happened, I was on my way to meet my cousin at a hotel in Indianapolis for a cousins' reunion. Her husband, a retired family practice MD, came to the emergency room, read the graphs and tests, and said I should have had a stroke. He was amazed I did not, but he said I would likely need a stent or some such procedure. However, more test results showed everything was clear in my carotid, etc. After about six hours in the ER, my blood pressure had returned to normal, and all they had given me was aspirin. The next evening after the reunion, I contacted a doctor and underwent a ton of tests, including an MRI. He just put me on a statin and lisinopril for blood pressure. After a couple of months, I quit taking the statin, and about 3 months ago, I quit the lisinopril as well. I’ve just gone back to using the HH extract only. My typical blood pressure reads 112-124 / 69-78. I just turned 81. I need to add that my mother was diagnosed with congestive heart failure around the time I started using the HH extract, and I told her about my results, so she had me get some for her. She used it religiously, keeping a bottle by her chair and another at her bedside from then until she passed away in 2021 at 96 years old. She never had any more heart problems except for a pacemaker, and her mind was as sharp as a tack until the day she died. She only started feeling weak about a week before her death. So, I’m a believer!!" - Frances Hauk

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